Wajid Hassan
With this current mindless war in the Ukraine and wars in other parts of the world once again war crimes have become an issue when people are murdered without warrant.
All murders in war on both sides to me are considered war crimes against humanity when it has been spelled out over and over again by the great Spiritual teachers of all ages that “Thou Shalt Not Kill!!”
It’s a vile cosmic crime.
This present war would fizzle out in three days if heads of governments around the world went on the media and asked their citizens to raise their hands and send white healing light to that region. All hate and animosity in that region would be transmuted, fizzled out and there would be no desire to kill.
This has been proved beyond all doubt in the past when mass prayer was used to stop wars that politicians have never and will never accomplish.
So, after peace has been created by mass healing, the billions of currencies used to send murder weapons to both sides in the conflict to appease the profiteers of war could then be spent on helping the needs of the destitute, poor and hungry in their own countries.
Indeed, my wonderful Yogi Master Dr. George King was correct when He stated that the greatest energy crisis on this Planet is the spiritual energy crisis, not that there isn’t enough of it it’s just that we don’t use it or know how to use it correctly.

Dr. George King is giving a lecture.
Man’s barbaric behavior towards his own kind by committing war crimes will always have its karmic repercussions because no life stream on this or any other planet can get away from the Divine Law of Karma that the Great Cosmic Master Jesus quoted “As you sow, so shall you reap”.
Another aspect of war crimes which man again is totally ignorant of is the injuries that he causes to our Mother Earth, which is a more serious war crime than that which he commits against himself.

It is essential that the leaders of this world once and for all, recognize and let their citizens know that our Mother Earth is a highly evolved and compassionate living breathing entity who feels pain and suffering!
All explosions from missiles directed at warring factions that explode on Her surface directly affect Her! Just like a needle jabbing a toe directly affects the whole body, so do the needles of missiles directly affect Mother Earth.
It was known that She was meant to die in the 50s when man started exploding again, for the third time, atom and hydrogen bombs on the surface of Her beautiful green body. Had it not been for Divine intervention on Her behalf by higher cosmic forces who absorbed tremendous atomic fallout you would not be reading this today.
It’s bad enough to incur the karma of harming another person but that karma is multiplied thousands of times if you harm a Spiritual Master because of their evolutionary status being thousands of lives ahead of normal man. The karmic repercussions of harming Mother Earth is millions of times more because of Her evolutionary position as a very elevated Cosmic Being. Mankind as a race will have to bear the results of this negative action with painful involution in lives to come.
On the other hand those who pay their respects to the great Spiritual Masters and of course our Mother Earth by being of service, stopping pollution, ending conflict and repaying a small token of what She has freely given to us for the last 18 million years of our existence on Her body, can reap positive karmic aspects which will help him evolve in all future lives to come, with peace and prosperity.
For more fascinating information about our Mother Earth read the book
Visit to the Logos of Earth
by Dr. George King.
Quote from the book:
“This planet is a
living, breathing Entity.”
Oct 21st – Enter The-Meta-Verse with Shaun Soules
(Maple Ridge Canada)
Special Guest: Wajid Hassan Author of “The Struggle for Worlds Sanity” that became #1 in Spirituality and #1 in UFO’s (with video on Spotify) – Enter The-Meta-Verse | Podcast on Spotify
Available on Amazon as eBook, paperback and audiobook.