The Struggle for World Sanity!


Blessed are the Planetary Ones

In the 4th Blessing from the Twelve Blessings given by the Master Jesus through the unique mediumship of Yogi Master Dr. George King, Jesus states, “Blessed are the Planetary Ones who have at this time sacrificed peace, sacrificed friendship, sacrificed their very salvation for you.”

Till these revelations were given in the early 50’s up to that time no common person had even heard about the Planetary Ones. For the first time in modern history, it was revealed that some of the greatest religious teachers who came to Earth as terrestrials in terrestrial bodies where indeed the Planetary Ones!

This revelation shook the mainstream belief of religious thought as this concept was introduced to the world. It was revealed that great teachers such as the Lord Krishna, The Lord Buddha, The Lord Jesus, Confucius, Lao Tse, Pantanjali, Shankaracharya and others where beings who resided upon the higher realms of other planets in this solar system and did indeed volunteer to come to Earth for various missions, the main goal of that of teaching mankind to go back to the Laws of God and follow the spiritual path of love and service to all.

This entailed a tremendous sacrifice on their part as they had to involve a part of their tremendous and highly evolved consciousness in order to inhabit a rather involved terrestrial body.

It was as Dr. King described that a human would involve himself say as a monkey or a pig in order to come directly in contact with other monkeys and pigs in order to help them evolve.

I guess unless you were in a position to be in a wonderful state of Planetary bliss among your own highly evolved brothers and sisters living in complete harmony and peace with each other and then be transported to a savage, backward, warlike race, it would be hard to fathom this type of unselfish sacrifice.

I can only imagine the terrible sense of isolation and loneliness, the mental anguish and suffering entailed by these great beings on our behalf.

It was revealed The Lord Krishna came from Saturn; Buddha came from Venus as did his younger brother Jesus.

When the Lord Buddha was born 5-disc shape objects were seen in the skies above the temple. When the Lord Buddha died, 5-disc shaped objects were again seen over the skies. When the Lord Jesus was born a shining spacecraft was seen over the stable, now referred to as the Star of Bethlehem.

Each Planetary One, or Cosmic Master as they are referred as had a particular spiritual mission to perform which was worked out in exact detail by their superiors or Karmic Gods, centuries before they were to incarnate as terrestrials.

As only a fraction of their consciousness was embedded into their terrestrial bodies, they had to by law be born under tremendous limitation and had to spend many years in spiritual practice before even realizing that they were from another world outside of Earth and also understanding their main mission.

These revelations have been given at this time in mans history to expand his own consciousness and realizations to include a cosmic appreciation of these great ones.

One Cosmic Master we can fully study is of course the great Master of Love Jesus.

Dr. King has revealed in a number of publications available from the Aetherius Society the true mission of this Avatar from Venus. Information which will sooner or later change the whole philosophy of religious thought around the world. Indeed, truth is greater than fiction!

Dr. George King photo



May 11th 2023 – Interfaith Alliance

Had a pleasant evening representing the Aetherius Society in North Carolina at the Interfaith Alliance annual dinner held at Temple Beth Or in Raleigh. A wonderful way of interacting with other faith-based groups to promote peace and goodwill around the world.

North Carolina Interfaith Alliance
North Carolina Interfaith Alliance

The Struggle for World Sanity

Available on Amazon as eBook, paperback and audiobook.