The Struggle for World Sanity!



My Yogi Master, Dr George King over the years He graced us with His presence, proved beyond all doubt to all open minded, seeking metaphysicians that He was in direct contact with beings from higher dimensions on different planets in this Solar System.

Over 600 transmissions were delivered as he induced a deep yogic positive trance condition so that he could tune in to the mental impulses sent by these great beings and translate them through his voice into understandable English.

Many of these transmissions which started in the early 50’s had a tremendous sense of urgency due to the fact that our Mother Earth at that time and unfortunately still is in a dire condition due to mankind’s folly. 
Spiritual power was and is still being radiated to offset these conditions. 

Caxton Hall, London

Dr. George King taking a Cosmic Transmission
at Caxton Hall, London before the public.

The threat of atomic war is just as real today as it was then.
In this urgency there was a call for Spiritual Leadership as one Cosmic Master known as Mars Sector Six quoted in 1958 through Dr King:

“Terra, in these times, looketh for leadership like a drowning man doth look for land. The leaders who have risen have not given Wisdom to those who look to them.
“In your strength you need not crave or seek leadership, as such—yet you can give this, even though in these times it is not seen, nor recognized as such.”

Indeed, the leaders of this world, the presidents and prime ministers, the politicians, the generals, the billionaires, the CEO of large corporations, even the leaders of orthodox religions have not given true Spiritual leadership.

They have for the most part been mired in their own need to hold on to power and control of the masses. (It has been prophesied that all these will eventually be replaced by a new breed of Aquarian Age aspirants.)

They have not openly told the people of Earth the truth about the law of Karma, the law of reincarnation, the law of nonviolence, the law that we are indeed our brothers’ keeper regardless of race color or creed. Spiritual laws are truths that never change over the ages. Truths which the Spiritual Leaders of the past like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna and in recent times my own Yogi Master and the Cosmic Masters have spelt out over and over again.


“As you sow so shall you reap”
“The Law of action and reaction is opposite and equal”
George King:
“Karma is Pressure, to steer you the soul towards you the spirit”

So, what does it mean for us to be Spiritual Leaders?  First of all, it does not mean clamoring for any type of status or prominent position. We can all do our part in providing this by continuing in our spiritual practices like The Twelve Blessings or whatever practice we do to help raise the vibrations of mankind. As we are all connected this will bring an eventual change in the consciousness of the human race as it will provide inspiration and strength to those who are searching for the right kind of teaching and wisdom in the darkness.

Appeal to the World Citizens

“I tell you this, in these days, Salvation is a reward for service.
The revolution will be a mental one. It will be a Renaissance. It will be a transmutation of basic thought into Spiritual action.”
The Master Aetherius Sept. 27, 1958

The Transmission “Appeal to World Citizens” was printed in Cosmic Voice No. 18, available in the eBook Cosmic Voice Volume No. 4.

The Cosmic Master Aetherius has said: “The next revolution will be a mental one.” And I add to that, a peaceful one.

It’s that simple, no need for elaborate sermons or complicated public broadcasts but just continue in our own individual and collective ways to send out the light to help transmute the darkness which has infected the mind belt of Earth.

In these days of Spiritual awakening, we will be given all the power we need by the Cosmic Beings to make this Spiritual Leadership a living reality and thus fulfill our obligation and required responsibility for the younger generations to come to live upon a peaceful World without the threat of atomic murder weapons.


Sept 9thBetter to Podcast with Duana Needom (Chicago USA)

Sept 10thThat’s Some Crazy S**t with Kelly and James (Aurora USA)—Muslim-Born-Yogi-Mystic-Wajid-Hassan-S7-E2-e1keq8v

Sept 16thThe Kimberly Cloud Show with Kimberly (Santa Maria USA)

Wajid Hassan’s book: 
The Struggle for World Sanity

Available on Amazon as eBook, paperback and audiobook.