The Struggle for World Sanity!



In the second Blessing from the New Age Bible The Twelve Blessings given to Earth by the Master of Love, Jesus through the unique yogic mediumship of my own Spiritual Master, Dr George King.

The Master Jesus quotes; “Blessed are the Wise Ones for they walk through a dark and ignorant World spreading their Light.”

Indeed, the year 2022 has been like many years before it filled with trouble and strife. Why is this so?

Mankind over the centuries has been specially conditioned by the few evil materialistic manipulators behind the scenes, to remain in ignorance, which is the root cause of all terrestrial problems.

“It has been a plan cunningly conceived and you—the pawns in a game to gain a whole humanoid race. Did you know that man?”

The Master Jesus from
The Three Saviours Are Here.

A great master once said that there is only one major sin and that is ignorance and that the greatest gift, we can give is Wisdom. So, we send our love and blessings to those wise Masters who also over the centuries have tried to combat this conditioning by giving to mankind wisdom which will set him free from his physical and mental shackles.

If we study our race, we will find many forms of ignorance which through correct teaching can be overcome.

Recently there was a huge winter storm which encompassed most of Canada and the United States. People on social media were sending out messages of how much they hated this storm which was probably the worst thing to do. If they had the wisdom to know that mankind was totally responsible for weather conditions on Mother Earth by the thoughts he emanates and that Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Floods etc are a direct result of sending base thoughts of hate to each other which then go out to the Nature Spirits or Deva’s as some call them who manipulate these energies and the result are adverse weather conditions. If the wisdom was given to mankind about the Deva’s, then he would be careful about sending base energies and the weather conditions would improve tremendously for the better.

Mankind as a whole has not on mass be told the truth about the Divine Law of Karma and Reincarnation, which I believe will be told in the near future as no one is ever kept in total ignorance.

These two unchangeable laws could bring a global change of thought around the Planet that people would think carefully that action and reaction is opposite and equal, in other words what goes round comes around either in this life or the next and that we cannot get away with anything. This would reduce many wars, racial pride, religious superiority, and racial hatred.

“The Fourth Freedom
“Freedom from ignorance can be brought about by all terrestrials who are willing to expend sufficient energy to bring this elevated state into being. There is but one major sin upon Terra—that is ignorance.”

The economic system of unfair distribution is a direct result of ignorance and indeed are some dogmatic religious teachings. Politics as such is based on competition and ignorance. We can find many examples of ignorance that can be rectified by wisdom and education of the right thing.

So as 2023 begins we should keep an open mind and try to seek the wisdom of such teachings as the Twelve Blessings and the Nine Freedoms which will bring about the much needed awakening and enlightenment given by the Wise Ones which will be the key to freedom from the major sin, ignorance and thus change conditions on our Planet for the better for all.

The Struggle for World Sanity

Available on Amazon as eBook, paperback and audiobook.