The Struggle for World Sanity!



Had a wonderful interview with Michelle Henderson where we got talking about other realms of existence.

It seems that a majority of our civilization is totally unaware of invisible realms that exist above and below the physical realm of this Planet. At one time in our evolution we had fully developed our third eye which allowed us to tune into the more subtle vibrations of these planes. However due to our regression into involution we seemed to have as a general lost “sight” of our third eye which is now the pineal gland.

Many people, especially women still have the sight and there are many instances of people being aware of relatives and friends who have passed on.
In my healing treatments I often feel the presence of the patient’s spirit guide who not only shows an interest in the well being of the patient but often has assisted in the healing process.

Dr. George King in Transmission Room

My yogi Master Dr George King, an adept in his own right, was able to consciously projects to these subtle realms at will.

Based on his practical experience on these planes said that there are six levels above us and four levels below us which we go to based on our vibration level when we die to live there for a while and then reincarnate back to the physical realm as the cycle continues over and over again till we learn all the lessons we need to learn before we ascend to higher levels on other planets and beyond.

As with this Earth, so with other planets in this Solar system and indeed the Galaxy and the whole universe! Each planet also has higher levels and lower subtle levels of existence.

Dr. King stated that there are higher levels on all the planets in the Solar system which are inhabited by highly advanced civilizations both technically and spiritually.


In his book “You are Responsible” Dr. King describes some of his projected experiences with the civilizations of Mars and Venus on these higher realms which at this time cannot be detected by science as our instrumentations are too coarse and basic. He said that man could land on the physical realm of Mars and would not be able to detect higher beings for 200 years unless these beings would reveal themselves!

So basic logic concludes that the universe is teeming with life and the notion that we are the only intelligent life in the galaxy is now, as science also has advanced, laughable.

We are being monitored by higher beings who have our common welfare at heart and want to see us rise back to the evolutionary scale that we had one time but decided due to our misuse of freewill to involve ourselves.

Despite all that is occurring right now, there is still hope for the Planet Earth and mankind if we heed the promptings of our inner selves and the spiritual message of the Cosmic Masters of our Solar System.


June 7th – Climate Optimists with Calvin Schwartz (New Jersey)
YouTube link:

June 16th – Inspirational Hour with Michelle Henderson (Dallas Texas)

On Oct 2022 Wajid Hassan became the official representative
of the Aetherius Society in North Carolina.

To learn more and attend free weekly zoom meetings go to:

Wajid Hassan’s book: 
The Struggle for World Sanity

Available on Amazon as eBook, paperback and audiobook.