Wajid Hassan
June 30th, 2023, marked the 50th anniversary of a Cosmic Mission devised by my Yogi Master Dr. George King called Operation Prayer Power.
Not since the time of Atlantis over 100,000 years ago has the concept of harnessing spiritual energy in modern times been attempted.
Inauguration of Operation Prayer Power

Inauguration of Operation Prayer Power on Holdstone Down, Devon, England
This breakthrough came as Dr. King in meditation created a device out of etheric matter based on his design, saw it working on the higher planes then visualized it and with the help of his close associate Charles Abrahamson, who constructed this design and brought it into physical manifestation.
The device was called a Spiritual Energy Battery which contained crystals specially laid out inside of a wooden casing with a aperture in front that would allow spiritual energy invoked by mystic ritual to enter.
You may want to ask well what was the purpose of such a radionic device?
The concept of Operation Prayer Power is quite simple.
Prayer is an energy transmitted from an individual either to another person or out to the world and does great good. Imagine a number of people coming together in prayer and charging this battery to be discharged later in times of crisis like a war, hurricane, flood, famine etc and you have a karmic tool of colossus implications!

Spiritual Energy Battery
This is what Operation Prayer Power has done since 1973 helping victims of disasters, aid workers and doctors on the ground, and even stopping a war in its tracks!
The genius behind the idea of Operation Prayer Power is that in times of disasters it would be difficult to get a large number of people to pray and send out spiritual energy to help with relief and healing, but if this was done beforehand and stored for exactly this moment then virtual miracles would be manifested in this great surge of power discharge from a spiritual energy battery.
Regular charging sessions weekly using a mystical ritual of mantra and prayer have now been going on for many years and with regular co-operation with higher beings, a coordinated effort has yielded amazing results.
Operation Prayer Power has altered world history in that the more people get together and participate in this Cosmic Mission it will help change the negative karma mankind has allowed for centuries into a more positive and uplifting change of events for the better.
There has never been a better opportunity given to us to make a tremendous difference for our world and for our own karma and future lives through active participation in Operation Prayer Power.
One of the greatest gifts of world service given by Dr. King through his deep compassion and wisdom for a race that can make good use of this Cosmic Mission and treasure this New Yoga for a New Age that every man, woman and child on Planet Earth can use.
For more information on Operation Prayer Power visit aetherius.org, Operation Prayer Power.
The book “Struggle for World Sanity” was recently awarded a finalist position in the Four Seasons Book Awards for Spring 2023, https://www.fourseasonsbookawards.com/.

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