It seems with the numerous interviews I have done along with meeting many people from all walks of life, that most of them have not heard about the Aetherius Society as well as the Yogi Master, Dr. George King that founded this amazing organization.
Most people associate a Yogi Master as someone coming from the East especially India or Tibet living in a cave or monastery who has gained wisdom and enlightenment by detaching from mankind to achieve these states.

Now coming back to Dr. King. Here is a unique example of a Yogi Master from the West, born in England. To me I have yet to come across a western Yogi Master who compares to Dr. King.
Dr. George King
January 23, 1919 to
July 12, 1997
After World War II Dr King self-disciplined himself by practicing Yoga for up to 8 to 10 hours a day along with his outside job for over 10 years! Starting with hatha yoga then mantra and yogic breathing exercises advancing to Raja and Kundalini yoga he achieved the essence of yoga which means “Union with God” or Union with the Divine principle within.
He attained the much sort after state of Cosmic Consciousness or Nirvana by really working for it! It was not achieved easily as some teachers claim.
It was then and only then when he was contacted by higher beings within this Solar System to “Prepare Yourself You are to become the Voice of Interplanetary Parliament!”
Extract from the first Transmission by The Master Aetherius in Cosmic Voice Volume No. 1 – June 4th, 1955:
“Now, I say unto you, there is nothing new. He who says that he brings a new doctrine—let him stand accused! But probably I can bring to your dull memories certain illumination, which—at one time—you had anyway.”
Imagine getting a command like that! Of course, this really perplexed him at that time in 1954 and Dr. King even as one trained in mental control could not identify the source of this message that came from out of the blue while he was washing dishes at his London apartment one Saturday afternoon.
After a week of turmoil, he decided to lock himself in and go into meditation to find out the source of this contact.
It was then that another great Yogi Master walked through his locked door and materialized in front of him! He then gave Dr. King instructions and that he would get an invitation from a yoga school in London to study even more advanced yogic breathing exercises so that he could tune into the mental impulses sent by the Cosmic Masters.
It has now been revealed that the Yogi Master from the East was no other than the great Swami Sivananda who was alive in India at that time.
Under the instructions of a Sri Nandi in London Dr. King finally achieved the high state of yogic samadhi needed to gain rapport with the Masters of this Solar System and the first ever transmission from the elevated Master known as Aetherius from the Planet Venus was recorded on tape!
To me this is some of the most amazing and unique revelations I have received in my life and demanded investigation.
Either this man, Dr. King was a genius, or he was lying. It had to be one or the other. Turned out he wasn’t lying and was the real deal to me.
So, I believe it is important for all of us to look into the experiences of one individual born under basic limitations as a terrestrial man who achieved great meditative states to then be used as a channel for messages that have world shattering ramifications and have in many ways changed the course of world history. That to me is a true description of a Yogi Master.
March 5th – Paranormal Soup Ep.346 with Jason Bland (Indiana)
March 12th – Progress for Tomorrow with Gary Purifory (Tennessee)
Available on Amazon as eBook, paperback and audiobook.